As an agricultural commodity trader, we are dependent upon nature and the land. To us, sustainability is much more than just a programme, it is integral to who we are and how we do business. It is inherent in our culture and values, ingrained in our commercial strategy and daily operations, and championed in every part of our organisation across the globe.
Sustainability Strategy
Environmental Stewardship
We will improve the environmental impact of our products and businesses.
Improving Lives
We will improve the quality of life for our employees and people in our value chains through improved company policies and impact projects.
Responsible Sourcing
We provide supply chain assurance and reduce sourcing risks.
So what does this mean …
Delivering the plan and measuring the impact
Each Business Unit has developed detailed plans that support the objectives and KPIs described in the Group Sustainability Strategy. Progress against these goals will be measured and reported annually in our Group Sustainability Report (formerly CSR Report).
More details on our Coffee, Liquid Products and Sugar sustainability efforts can be found here:
This transparent approach to measuring outcomes against the goals we set, and aligning these to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, will enable us to drive positive impact in our sector and create a more sustainable business for all the stakeholders that surround us, and for the planet.